Sunday 21 June 2015

Be the Change

The world that lies before you, is it real ? Is it true ? Or is it just a mirage . Then why do we strive so hard to live. Why do we love this illusion. Answer is simple. We are after all humans, filled in with compassion and love. The thing that we feel belongs to us, we care about that. We start protecting it.

But why try to protect the things that are not in our hands. Why try to protect something at the cost of the other. Do we really care for something that is so precious. Or do we just try to show off our compassionist attitude. We live in the world full of people who are just living for making other people think that they just too damn awesome......

But the real values lie in heart. Where the blood rejenuvates . Where the blood gets enriched with life..... the place where humanity lies and stays admist of all impurities. Its upon the true lives living in this ' today ' that the world stays balanced upon...... we have to be the change ... we have to be the heart of the whole world .

Or the world will be left with just the one thing it had started from ..... Ashes .

                                            - Anand Waghmare
               The Change Lies Ahead