Tuesday 21 April 2015

The World Of Brotherhood

Riots are raging and fires have been lit and the world will turn into ashes. The blasts that the world has seen in the recent days have terrorized the peace loving people all over the world. But what does one get by making these people the victims of the horrible black deaths? If this continues our, mother earth, already betrayed by her sons, would turn into mere non living planet. To stop this, one has to understand that no one on this land is different from the other .Everyone is bound together with invincible strings of brother hood and internationalism.
           The different nations bound by different borders are but bound together with the spirit of internationalism. Everyone should hold their hands out to hold the hands of others and then transform the power of one hand into many. The sprit that glows in us brightly enforces us to rebel against the injustice taking place in the nation. But there are many problems outside the borders of our country too and we are shouldered with responsibility to make the end to these obstacles. We should be united the world wide and should not forget the pains of our brothers. If the brothers only will fight among themselves it is obvious that the invaders would attack us.
                 The hearts of all glow with the bright gleam of joy and happiness that is achieved only when there is peace. And the peace can be restored by recognizing the whole world as one family and be firm on the faith of international unity and then no one will dare ever to look bad over our all countries. The need of the hour is to recognize our brothers whom we have betrayed since years and years long and promise each other of international security. This will not only bring the world relations closer but will also develop the spirit of international unity.    We should cooperate, empathize and coordinate our efforts in dealing with these horrible circumstances at the international level to curb the world- wide terrorism that haunts and stalks the world and fears the world of turning into ruins.

-          Anand Waghmare
